Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Way Behind!

Here it is December 30Th and the New Year is just around the corner and I still have so much to post about..... Where does the time go. I'm making this short as I'm not feeling too well I think I have a little touch of the stomach flu. YUCK! I've only eaten saltine crackers today and am way tired......

So I'm not going to down load the camera (sorry Mom and Taryn). I'll try and get to that tomorrow.....*winks*.

I did promise a photo of the snow on the mountains behind the house though. So here is a photo that I snapped on my cell phone from the Target parking lot the other day since I forgot the camera **giggle**.

I did update the background on the blog per Miss Ella's request. Enjoy! **winks and giggles*

We had a GREAT Christmas and hope you all did too. Much love and as our kids Great Grandma Claire put it you only have 360 days until next time......ugh. Seriously it's fun and especially the stage the kids are at now.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve!

As I'm sitting here typing away I have many creations going on in the kitchen. Oh my gosh I don't think I've taken pictures.... I better go do that so I can show you all some of my creations....Cakes, cookies, Christmas scents, and the list goes on....

Tonight we celebrate Christmas with my family. I am part Norwegian and we celebrate on Christmas Eve. So it's off to the parents house to celebrate with: Mom, Dad, Sister Erin, Brother-in-Law Todd, Nephew Bryce, Niece Taryn, Jeremy, Ella, Preston, and myself. I'm sure it will be a late night with lots of yummy food, treats, laughter, and gifts.

I will try and take a photo of the tree but I'm warning you it's a beautiful tree but the decorations are not so much. It's been really hard keeping little man away from the tree. I thought this year we would be good but not so much. He keeps re-arranging them or throwing them behind the tree or who knows where. I did find a couple in the toy box.....Oh, well boys and 2 year old boys will be as they feel fit....***giggles*** I've really learned to pick and choose my battles when it comes to some of these things.....***he, he, ha, ha*** all you can do is laugh at times....

I better jam I hear the timer going off and I don't want to burn anything!

Merry Christmas to you all.

Monday, December 22, 2008


Today we would like to give a BIG "Happy Anniversary" shout out to April and Jay!


I'm not sure how many years today is but I couldn't let today go by without wishing them all the best. April and I have known each other our entire lives. How you say can that be possible.... Well her parents and my parents were really good friends and April's Mom Carolyn and my Mom Donna were pregnant with us at the same time. It just so happens that April was born February 1st and then 12 days later I was born on February 13Th.

We have been friends ever since and keep in touch where ever we are and no matter what's going on in our lives. I feel like I have another sister. That is an older sister....**giggles** Seriously though she is a very important person in my life and she married a very nice man named Jay. They now live in Utah and have three beautiful kids.

I wish we lived closer to each other and could celebrate your Anniversary or I'd watch the kiddos so you could go out and have a good time with the Hubby.

Happy Anniversary and enjoy it no matter what you do.

Love you

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Waiting to see Santa the big Ho, Ho!

Here are some photos of the kiddos waiting in line to see Santa or as he's called Ho, Ho.
Look at those smiles!

It helps to have your tong sticking out you know.....

Ella always has a beautiful smile. Mr. Man checking out the girls behind us.....doesn't he look like he's trying to play it cool! Just too stinkin cute! *giggle*

Mr. Man I know this will get the girls attention.....it did. **giggles**

So stinkin cute! Always a smile on her face.

Finally, we get to sit on Santa's lap and look at Preston with grump face..... Oh, well they are still just too cute! I LOVE them so much!

Friday, December 19, 2008


According to many it's been tooooo long since I've blogged sooo....

My computer guy whom I call my hubby has my computer working so within the next couple of days I promise to start to post some photo's. Until then I'll update you on some of my rambling thoughts of the weather this week....

Here in the Resort Country we have had some very, very, cold and interesting weather. It's been between 45 and 55 degrees during the day. Can you imagine when it was as high as 110 or so during the summer...*giggle*

We have had a LOT of rain this week. It's nice to have rain but not when it's an over kill and doesn't have a chance to soak in and help but rather destroy anything in it's path.

Wednesday we had rain like no other rain before. It NE~V~ER stopped the entire day. We woke around 6:00 am to rain and went to bed around 11:45 pm with rain. I even pulled out my rain boots (they are super cool too black with white polka dots on them)***giggles***

This cold and rain is so incredible we even have snow on the mountains behind the house. Yes SNOW! Can you believe it! **giggles** There has NE~V~ER been snow on these mountains before! I will try and take a photo tomorrow to post for you all to see.

It's a white Christmas here in the OC!!!

I better jam and I promise to post photo's soon since the ol computer is up now.

Hugs & Kisses
Hope all of Santa's little helpers are almost done!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas madness & so much more...........

Christmas madness & so much more...........

Can you believe that Christmas is right around the corner.....I mean it's like the Turkey hasn't even digested in your tummy and the next thing you know it's basically Christmas!

I still have so many things to post about and now I'm in the mad dash thick of Christmas madness! My computer is down and the computer guy whom I call my hubby has been too busy to fix it. Isn't that the way it goes....I'm hoping it will get done sooner rather than later as I need to download photos and blog about them and get address' for Christmas cards and so much more....You don't realise how much you rely on your computer until it's not working....

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We celebrated at my sister's house this year. Just the main family (Mom, Dad, Erin, Todd, Bryce, Taryn, Jeremy, Me, Ella, Preston and Tom ~ Tom works with my brother-in-law Todd at Thurston Middle School in Laguna Beach) Not sure what Tom thought of the family we are quite the bunch when you get us all together.

My Mom, Erin, and I cooked while the guys were supposed to keep an eye on the kids but rather watched some football and relaxed. Us women were busy workers and drinking the wine! My Mom actually helped toss back a couple of glasses of wine with my sister and I. This here is a rarity as she's always said: I can't drink wine it makes me sick....but she's been getting out lately with Dad and exploring a little and drinking a few glasses of wine. Can you believe though not one single photo was taken! I had the camera and everything but in the end not a single one was clicked and saved to memory.... (I can hear my kids now years down the road giving me a hard time as to not taking photo's when they were younger...)giggle

I am lucky though I've gotten all of my shopping done. Yeah, that's right I'm feeling good about things....and it's even wrapped and under the tree.... Yes, we got our tree last weekend ( I have photo's and this brought back some childhood memories working the tree lots) and it's in the house but has no lights or decorations on it.... I'm hoping this will happen tonight.... **giggles**

But I'm still trying to get to see Santa the Big HO, HO man as he's called in the Wight family house hold. Then what am I going to do for cards and then I'm trying to make things as gifts, and the baking, and Oh, where does the time go...... I do LOVE Christmas though it's a jolly bright time of year.

I had to go get a prom dress if you will. The hubby's Christmas party is formal this year. The men need to wear tuxedos and so the ladies need to wear a fancy formal gown so basically I had to get a prom dress. Now this was a little of a freak out for me since I found out and had only 5 days to find a dress and all of the accessories to go with....talk about panic mode...*giggles* In the end everything worked out fine. I think I did a really good job at the last minute and to boot I found the dress in less than an hour and at the first place I look. Girls you know this NEVER happens. I even got the front parking spot next to the door and had 1 1/2 hours to shop before I had to pick up the kiddos from school. What luck! **giggles**

I better go and I promise photo's as soon as the ol' computer is up and running....

Sunday, November 30, 2008


We would like to give my Dad a special Birthday shout out.

So Happy Birthday Dad!

What can I say: He's family that's for sure. He may have his cranky moments (I think this must be a guy thing....or an older person thing...**giggles** ~ I'm going to get into trouble for this ~ *he, he, ha, ha*)but he's my Dad and my kids Papa.

We called and sang Happy Birthday to him with all of us singing (Jeremy, Me, Ella, & Preston) **giggles** What a hoot that was!

It was pretty funny and it was recorded on his answering machine and he told us him and my Mom have played it a couple of times and think it's the greatest thing. ***giggles*** (I guess it doesn't take much to make the old oops I mean more distinguished ones happy...)**giggles**

Anyways we really hope you had a wonderful Birthday! You deserve it and here's to a wonderful year ahead.

May the year ahead shine bright on you and may all of your wishes come true!
Love you!

Wednesday, November 26, 2008



Wishing you all a very Happy Thanksgiving. Hope you and your families are all Happy and have lots to be Thankful for.

We are Thankful:

For our health ~ very thankful

For one another ~ my loving husband and his compassion, partnership, support, understanding, friendship, love, and so much more.....(he,he,he,ha,ha)

For our children ~ the smiles, hugs, kisses, dirty hands, imaginations, and so much more *giggles*

For our families ~ the love, memories, and support

For our jobs ~ that allow us to do so many things
For our thoughts ~ that can get us into and out of trouble and take us away to our imaginations and dreams

For our hard working American troops fighting for our Country ~ whom are away from their loved ones during this Holiday season we are very Thankful for all that you do everyday.

For our friends ~ they lift us up, support us, get into trouble with us, play with us, and are always around when we need them

We are Thankful for so many things this Holiday season!
Please have a wonderful Thanksgiving Holiday and enjoy your families and friends!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Happy Birthday Jennifer Mollet! 11/19/08

Today is my good friend Jennifer Mollet's Birthday. So I would like to give her a special shout out.


I met Jennifer when our kids were going to the same pre-school and we hit it off pretty much instantly. Her and our friend Petra we've become the three musketeers or better yet CHARLIES ANGELS...ya I like that better CHARLIES ANGELS *giggles*.....
Could you see us in these HOT (ridiculous) outfits fighting the men off (like that's gonna happen *giggles*)and crime while simultaneously taking care of our kids ***giggles*** and all that comes with that (I'm almost peeing my pants typing this....) **giggles**
~he, he, ha, ha, ha~

Back on track you have to watch me or I'll ramble on..... She has three lovely kids ages 5, 4, and 1. While she has a great husband who helps A LOT. It's still hard since he's a Fireman Captain and works like 92 hour shifts and when we have all of these fires like we are having now it takes him away from the family even longer (side note: Mark thanks for all you and your men do we appreciate it and you guys ROCK) See I wander a lot......

Seriously Jennifer you are a really good friend, Mom, Wife, and Charles Angels Crime Fighter! ***giggles***

You ROCK and thanks for being my friend!
I hope you have a wonderful Birthday as you deserve it. May the year ahead shine brightly on you.

Let's go fight some crime (**giggles** or go buy some HOT (ridiculous) outfits or get some Ice Tea and something sinful.

Love you!

Tuesday, November 18, 2008


I had to share this photo with you all. Our really good family friend Jerry Hopkins sent this photo to my Dad the other day and he forwarded it to me......

This was a photo of my Dad (Tim) and Jerry back in the day....*giggles* They both look pretty HOT! Mind you this was taken in the late 80's early 90's as I don't have the exact date on this photo.

This is when they were both in the Sheriff Reserves and they are on the Fire Boat down in Dana Point Harbor........ You didn't want to get pulled over by them let me tell you.....**giggles*

This photo here is of my Dad and Ella when she was a baby at my sister's house so in 2004.....*giggle* I couldn't find a newer photo! So I guess I need to take more photos of the family too.....

You still look good Dad! Not much has changed in the years....maybe the waistline but I think that's changed with everyone (I know it has with me...). Keep ageing well and you ROCK! Look at my little girl.....oh, those cheeks and squishy body....sniff, sniff, they grow up so fast....

Monday, November 17, 2008

SICK! 11/17/08

So I'm sick!
No I'm not sick in the head. I have bronchitis! Yuck!
I went to see the Dr. today to get some medicine so I can get all cleared up ASAP. I'm waiting now for the Doctors to call me and schedule my surgery.
I'm going to have my first three (3) some.....*giggles*.....I know I'm a silly goose but I have to have fun with this or I'll go crazy.....Both my Doctors that are going to be doing the sergury area really cute! If I don't make light of all this I just might FREAK out! I mean seriously all these people down south (the V JJ as they say on "Grey's Anatomy" Yes! I watch that show.....)working on the netherlands area it's enough to drive you crazy....
I'll keep you posted as to when I'll be out of commision. Until then I'm going to TRY and catch up on so many posts that I still have not gotten to. Until then......cia (bye)

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Disneyland! 11/14/08

So last night we met up with the hubby at his work so we could go to Disneyland! We were joined with one of his co-workers and wife (Chad and Juliet).

We first went to:


We had some Great food! Lot's of shrimp and enjoyed the entertainment. The kids really like to go here because the waiters dance and sing all night long and there is a bucket in the middle of the table to stash your trash, shrimp shells, etc. It's the only restaurant that I know of that brings you your own roll of paper towels. That's a pretty cool thing when you have kids.....*giggle*

The kids were really, really, good! We are lucky that most times they are good but the hubby told them to be extra good cause Chad and Juliet are wanting to have kids and have started the process of making that happen....*giggles* so we wanted the kids to be extra good so they'll still want to have them...*giggles* (he, he, ha, ha no really they are pretty good kids and Chad and Juliet they'll make great parents too!)

We then all followed each other to:

The happiest place on earth! Yes! Disneyland!

No matter how old I get I still LOVE *giggles* this place. The only thing that I don't really LOVE are the lines.....but most of the time it's not too bad. We went on a few rides.....Buzz Light Year, Pirates of the Caribbean, and we finally got to ride on the new Finding Nemo ride. The line was only about a 15 minute wait. That's pretty cool since every time we go it's about a couple of hours and I'm sorry but you couldn't pay me enough money to stay in a line for that long no matter what...*giggles* well maybe if it was like to see Brad Pitt or maybe the Pope well I guess I did stand around for like an hour or so to watch the changing of the guard at Kensington Palace in London, England (*giggles* Yes, I'm a freak!) The Finding Nemo ride was pretty fun the kids really liked it and that's all that really matters. It's the old submarine ride from back in the day.....*giggles*

We were a little disappointed that we were not able to see any fireworks but we could understand the reason for not letting them off. It's been really, really, really, windy here and we've been having a lot of fires around here so needless to say they thought against letting them off (glad they decided not too). So instead we got a really yummy, calorie packed, delectable ice cream treat and then headed home.

By the time we left the park it was 11:00 pm wayyyyyyyyyyyyy past the old kiddos night time but it's okay every once in a while if you know what I mean.... By the end of the night the kids had new buddies. Preston says that Chad is his buddy and Ella says that Juliet is her BFFL (best friend for life). It was almost like being on a date with Jeremy since every ride we went on the kids wanted to go with there new buddies....I guess the hubby and I were more like chaperons...*giggle*

A fun time was had by all and we can't wait to do it again and hang with Chad and Juliet too! I wish I had the camera to take some photos since the place is all decorated for Christmas. It looks so pretty, it really puts you in the holiday spirit!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

My Mom!

I just have to give a BIG shout out to my MOM!

Mom I LOVE you more than words can say! I appreciate all that you do and have done for me and my family.

I can't imagine not having my Mom around. I talk to my Mom at least once a day. Most days I'm sure it's like 10 times *giggle* (ask the hubby he'll tell you).
What do we have to say if we talk that much you say EVERYTHING! We never have a dull conversation let me tell you. **giggles**

She is my Mom, my best friend, my therapist, my life coach, my teacher, you name it she wears that hat for me! I can't imagine the amount of money I've saved by being able to vent to her about anything and everthing instead of therapy **giggle**!

So today I wanted to be sure and let her know just how much I LOVE her and APPRECIATE all that she is!

So ode to my MOM you ROCK!

You are Fab~u~lous!

Thank you for being you!


Saturday, November 8, 2008

Soap Junkie Freak!

Although I have a million and one things to do................I decided to catch up on some good ol TV. I know you say WHAT! Why??? Like why haven't I downloaded the camera, checked emails, un-loaded and loaded the dishwasher (I run that thing so much it's crazy *giggle*) catch up on just about everything....

Because the ol Kiddo's and the OLdeR Kiddo you know the Hubby were all taking naps..... This is a rarity here in the house.... Usually little man will sometimes take a nap but little Miss Ella is tooooooo BIG for naps she tells us. Let me tell you we would all kill for a nap on a regular basis but not this child. Then the good ol Hubby will pass out just about anytime you leave him alone too long.....but he has to work later tonight while we are all snug as little ol bugs sleeping away and dreaming of all that can be in this bright big world....

So back on track sorry for that I decided to watch my soaps. Yes! That is right I am a soap JUNKIE! I will admit it I tape "General Hospital" every day! I have been known to watch other soaps but mostly watch "General Hospital" now. I do catch "Days of Our lives" on an occasion but it's mainly ( they've changed it so much that it's not the same "Days" if you know what I mean) "General Hospital" now.

So here I am relaxing and catching up on a few weeks and all of a sudden Laura Spencer ~ you know Genie Francis comes on and OMG! she looks FAB-ulous! She has been around for years and has been on General Hospital for years too. I even saw her back in 1981. Yes! Way back then I was watching thanks to my babysitter. I witnessed the famous "Luke and Laura Wedding" *giggle* can you believe!

Here is a 1981 Luke and Laura Wedding photo!

Anyway here I am watching and Genie Francis is on for a limited time run....(don't know what they are thinking she is a rarity you know quite the find and they should keep her around) *giggle* Yes, I am a soap FREAK. Seriously back on track she looks Fab-u-lous. She had put on some weight (like who hasn't *giggle*) and you can see her adds for Medifast.

Here is a photo of Genie last time she was on the show about a year ago..........

Here are some photos of her now! You go! Genie you look Fab-u-lous!

I think this may have re-started my boost for my weight to get back on track and crack down so I can easily break through my Plateau I'm on.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Happy Birthday Leo Hostetter! 11/4/08

Happy Birthday Leo!

We would like to give little Leo Hostetter a special Happy Birthday shout out. I'm sorry I forgot to post this yesterday. Little Leo turned 5 yesterday and with all that's going on I completely forgot to post his Birthday acknowledgment.....so..........

Happy Birthday Leo!

You are so stinkin' cute and even better yet your family too! Little Leo is my cousin Mark's oldest boy. Since your family that makes you even cooler yet you lucky dog you.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Happy Anniversary!

We would like to give a BIG "Happy Anniversary" shout out to Kim and Joey Walker!

Happy Anniversary!

Kim is Hubby's cousin so that makes Joey family too by marriage and he's a lucky dog to be apart of this family let me tell you. Today is there 8th wedding anniversary and they live in Oklahoma. The state where my Mom was born and as we say Oklahoma is "OK".

Hope you guys have a great night out with out any kiddos (Kensington).....

Happy Anniversary and hears to a GREAT YEAR AHEAD!


Here are some Halloween photos........ The kiddos had a great time and so did us adults hanging with them.

Isn't Daphne and Scooby-Doo just too cute!

Thanks Aunt Janie for making Ella's costume! You Rock!

Yes, that's Scooby with candy already.......

What a smiley, happy, Daphne...........

They just look so stinkin cute!

Here are the treats they worked so hard getting............... so they can sell it to Mom and Dad for a new toy.....(mom and dad will hide to eat later....he,he, ha, ha, yummy!)

Sunday, November 2, 2008

Fun Day After Halloween!

I know I need to post Halloween photos but...... I just had to share our fun outing yesterday!

The hubby took us out for a surprise day! What adventure do you say??? He had some fun plans for us.....

First he took us to :

Yes! Toys R us to let the kids pick out a new toy for selling us their Halloween candy! Oh, for those of you who don't know the kiddo's sell us the candy so they don't get to eat all of that junk (Mom and Dad hide it for themselves....hee, hee, ha, ha, not that we need it...)

Then Daddy surprised us and took us to the
train station.....

We took a train ride to Fullerton to have dinner at:

The Old Spaghetti Factory:

We had soooooo much fun! What a fun adventure! Hubby did a really good job with this fun filled adventure for the kids and me too. This was the first time the kids have been on a train so it was even more exciting as you can see by the photos the kids were having a lot of fun too!

Hanging with Mom waiting for the train......

Ella and Daddy looking a little dazed......

Here is Ella and Preston messing around doing chest bumps.......

And funny faces too.....

Saturday, November 1, 2008

Happy Birthday Sandy Wight! 11/1/08

Happy Birthday Sandy!

Today is Sandy's Birthday and we'd like to give her a special shout out. So Happy Birthday Sandy!

Sandy is Hubby's cousin. Hubby's Dad Jerry and Sandy's Dad Steve are brothers. Soooo that makes them cousins and all. Sandy is getting married this April 2009 and we are very excited for her. We can't wait for your special day!

Hope you have a wonderful day and a great year ahead.

Love you!

Catching Up!

So do we ever really catch up on things??? I don' really think it's possible but, I do have to say that I was floating on cloud nine, ten, whatever you want to use. I had all three count them......

Here is our bed....................... 1
Here is Ella's bed.............2
Here is Preston's bed.........3
All three 3 beds have clean sheets and bedding and they are all made......

Then all in the same day it happened......count them

Laundry basket.............1
Laundry basket...........2
Laundry basket............3
Laundry basket..........4
Laundry basket..........5
Yes all of the laundry baskets are empty! How is that possible! Why you say! Where can it all be......all clothes are clean and put away where they belong......YES! I have no laundry or dirty beds to be cleaned or made......until tomorrow.....and the clothes we have on will be in the laundry baskets....but until tomorrow everything is done.......so I'm going to RELAX for a couple of minutes until......Yes the little things in life that make us smile.....

So now I think I deserve one of these and that is me.....(in my dreams standing next to the bottle in the hula outfit.......WISH I had that body.....)

Happy Fall! 11/1/08

Today is the first day of November! So I've changed my background and hoping the weather will cool so we can really get into the feel of fall and the holidays ahead of us. I'll post photos later of Halloween and more.

Friday, October 31, 2008

Halloween Happenings!

Here are some fun Halloween photos we thought you might enjoy!

We had to attend a costume party the other weekend and everyone was supposed to dress up. So the kids decided what they wanted to be and then we went off of that and this is what we came up with...............

Yes, that's Scooby-Doo, Daphne, Shaggy, and Velma. I think Scooby-Doo and Daphne look the best but we all had a great time. Aunt Janie made Ella's Daphne costume. Thanks Aunt Janie we love it soooooo and doesn't she make a great Daphne? What a cute Scooby-Doo too!

Here is another Halloween dress up photo. I pulled out an old bag of Halloween stuff and found these from back when I was in High School.....blast from the past and the kids LOVED them.

Enjoy and Happy Halloween! We will get more photos tonight and I'm sure post them over the week end. So enjoy your haunting and get your treats where you can.....

Happy Birthday Lucy Douglas! 10/31/08

Happy Birthday Lucy!

Today Halloween day is Lucy's Birthday and we would like to send Lucy a Happy Birthday shout out.

Happy Birthday and Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween!

Happy treats and greats and stinky feet's!

May you all have a safe and happy Halloween!

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Happy Birthday Jack Rodgers! 10/28/08

Happy Birthday Jack!

Today is Jack's Birthday and he lives in Missouri so it's not so easy to just pop in and say "Hi". Jack is my Mom's cousin. There Moms were sisters so that makes them cousins and then I guess second cousins for me....heck if I know how all of that stuff works you know.... Bottom line is Jack's family and his boys Tim and Sean are my cousins and they are pretty cool cousins but NOT as COOL as ME! HA, HA, just kidding. Either way they are family and that's all that matters and they are cool family at that.

So Jack please have a wonderful Birthday and I hope to see you sometime soon. It's been way too long I think two years now this October. Stay out of trouble keep safe on the road (he's a truck driver) and have a great year ahead cause you ROCK!

Love you!

Monday, October 27, 2008

Negative RampArt That Pattern Is FULL!

So to end all of every ones concerns and questions as to where I've been. Here is the skinny no pun intended on things.

So first off I've been busy with Baking for our neighbors who found out that the Mom has stage 4 leukemia. Unfortunately, this is her third round of cancer and things don't look good. So we have been trying to help out in little extra ways as we can and Lot's of prayers. They have 5 beautiful children four of them are adopted and they have the same Mom and one of their own they range from 14 - 7 years old. It just tears my heart up. May God be with them during these hard times ahead of them. So I'm sure you can understand doing what you can to help others in need. (Poor hubby has been dealing with me the emotional wreck over this - he pours me lots of wine these days....)

To make this next story short instead of going through two years of info the bottom line is I have to have a hysterectomy....okay so not as bad as you all might think! I've been told it will take away any hormonal issues (you know, painful cramps, PMS, hot flashes, lovely monthly party favors...they will not be needed here in this house thank you aunt flow but you can no longer stay for visits....) Is it time for a drink yet???

Then my Mother-in-Law had some medical issues going on and has not been able to drive. So I've been driving her to and sometimes from work. Making the long truck up to Long Beach/Westminster area and huffing my way through traffic and back (at least I was in some cool air conditioning). Then taking her to and from Doctor apt. and helping in anyway I can....yes I'm the laundry queen....just add yours to the piles....and is it time for a drink??? Oh, sorry need to stay on track here....honestly, I don't mind helping out it's the least I can do and it's really not that big of a deal.

During all of this I actually started working for a friend doing hair again. It was so much fun to have something of my own but it was also really hard on the family. The kids didn't really like it much and hubby too since he had to help out more with things around the house and with his Mom. I think it's drink time??? Oh, sorry still need to finish this blog.... It was fun being back in the salon again though and "Thanks" Jolene for giving me the opportunity to help you out last week. Did we finish that bottle of wine?? Sorry staying on track here I promise...

Needless to say I was starting to feel very overwhelmed and emotional so my flight pattern was full and I couldn't accept any side detours or weather changes (actually I could accept some cooler weather it's been back up in the high 90's). I promise things are getting back on track and I will be trying to post again on a regular basis.

So be sure to give everyone an extra hug and kiss. I'm sorry I have not had time to sit and answer every ones emails but I do love you all and thank you for the special notes and thoughts. I must go have my glass of wine now and go to bed. I'll be posting some stuff later that will let you know just how much the kids liked me working (NOT REALLY JUST BEING NICE!)I must run to the wine now....and enjoy the new background!

I do have a good life!

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Happy Birthday Peggy! 10/23/08

Happy Birthday Peggy!

Today is Peggy Cozens' Birthday. Peggy is my Dad's first cousin there Mom's were sisters so I guess that makes her my second cousin....don't really know but either way the title doesn't really matter just that she's family and she means a lot to me.

Hope things are well with the family and best wishes for a wonderful year.

Love you!

Marie-Therese Gown GIVEAWAY !!!!!!!

Marie-Therese Gown GIVEAWAY !!!!!!!

I know I have not been posting due to many, many, many, things....but I do check in as I can and have to share this with you all.

Check out the link above. This lady creates these adorable and amazing outfits, costumes, etc. and gives them away free. Yes FREE!

I am lucky that Hubby's Aunt Mary Jane is a GREAT sewer and makes things for the kids when she has time. You will get a chance to see her handy work when I post Halloween photo's. She was kind enough to make Ella's Halloween costume.

This lady creates some fab things and just gives them away each week. So if you have a chance check her out. She's also down on my blog list of people I check in with on a regular basis. This costume is just adorable and so much detail....

I am hoping things will slow down a little this weekend so I can catch you all up on what's been going on around here. Until then love to you all.

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Missing In Action!

So I've been getting A LOT of messages as to where I am. Sorry but things have been really, really, really, hectic and I have not had any free time to sit download/upload photo's or collectively write down my thoughts. I promise to post more about what's going on as things settle down and I can explain what's been going on better.

Until then I will try and post when I can. Be sure and give your loved ones an extra hug and kiss or two.

Love to you all.

Monday, October 13, 2008

WOW! Holy Cow Batman!

OK, so we wake up this morning to so much wind. It started to get windy over the weekend and then this morning it was crazy madness. I hope the photo's turned out otherwise you'll just have to take my word on this one.....

We have a long GLASS patio table that seats 6 and a really nice expensive umbrella that goes with the table....so I looked out the window in our bedroom this morning to get an idea of any and all damage from the night and am wondering how the neighbors pool looks with all this mad ass wind (mind you this is just recking havoc on your sinuses and no need for a gardener and his blower things are blowing fine on it's own) and I see the umbrella swaying pretty good and say to hubby we should go and put the umbrella down before it breaks..........the next thing you hear is CRASH - BANG - HOLLY S#$%&* what the HOLLY HECK was that. I peak out the blinds again and the really nice and expensive umbrella is no longer attached to the umbrella pole and it's taken flight across the yard and the really long cool GLASS table that NO LONGER seats 6 is no more it's tilted and broken glass EVERYWHERE. Hubby got mad at me and said it was all my fault for saying anything and it's like saying oh were lucky no traffic and then your stuck in a nice parking lot of traffic on the freeway with no end in sight....... Needless to say we had a BIG mess to clean up and had to lock the dogs in the run all day so they wouldn't get any cuts from the glass. I don't know how we are going to get it all out of the grass.

So you get an idea at how WINDY it is here the neighbors tree in the front yard came out of the ground roots and all and landed on the sidewalk/street. The neighbor with the pool has a cool new lounge chair in the pool and lots and lots of leaves, dirt, branches, flowers, etc we all have dirt, leaves, branches, flowers, etc all over the cars, sidewalks, streets, etc. I hope this wind goes away soon. It was 85 degrees today with a 10% humidity. So not only has it gotten hotter it's now WINDY too. What the HECK and it's supposed to get HOTTER as the week goes on.......resort country is complaining about the WIND now and I will DEAL with the HEAT if I can get rid of the WIND.

Enough of that and I promise to update everyone on photo's and other happenings here soon.


Happy Birthday Andra!

Today is Andralee Roberts Birthday and we wanted to be sure and wish her a very Happy Birthday.

Andra is hubby's cousin and she's a little younger than Jeremy only by 209 days but whose counting.....Anyways, we wish her all the best today and always. We hope all is well with you and look forward to seeing you and Ron soon.

Enjoy your day we love you!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Feeling The Love of Fall

OK so I'm starting to feel the LOVE OF FALL. It has been really nice here the last couple of days. Yesterday it was 67 degrees with only 30% humidity. Can you say YEAH! We had a pajama day and ate popcorn and had hot chocolate with whip cream and sprinkles. We watched some movies and just hung out. What a great change for 99 degrees and 70% humidity. Today it's 75 degrees and 11% humidity. I'm so happy it's cooling down. Now I can really get into the swing of things. Even though I'm in resort country it's hard to get in the holiday spirit with everything melting around you.

I know it's been a couple of days since I've posted and things have been really hectic this week and I promise to post more with all of the details and some photo's later. In the mean time enjoy this and my new background for fall.

Ella and Preston messing around with Halloween buckets.

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Nana and Papa's House 10/7/08

Yesterday we went to my Parents (Nana & Papa's) house. It's always the coolest to see the Grandparents. You get to have a really good time eat a lot of stuff and they always have something new for you and the coolest toys to play with. At Mom and Dad's house you usually get to see your other cousins too. Here is a photo of Taryn (My sisters youngest 10 years old), Ella, and Preston. Bryce (13 years old) was still at school so he missed all of the fun and cool stuff. Sorry Bud we missed you. As you can see from the photo they each have a bag of goodies and some treats that they are eating. Oh, and Preston has some of the markings on his face still from the creations they were making with stamps......

Late Park Night

Since it's been so HOT>Hot>HOT out we have not been doing many things outside during the day. So the other night Jeremy had to work late (again) and I had had enough with being in the house so I told the kids to get some shoes on and we were going out. This was a little confusing to them as it was starting to get dark and they didn't know where we were going until we were in the car. I took them for an Ice Cream Cone and then to the park for a late night play date with Mom. Surprisingly enough I wasn't the only parent at the park with there kids this late. As you can see by the kids faces they thought Mom was the coolest.