Monday, March 30, 2009


Let's go ride bikes.......

Don't you just love the glasses and helmet, it's quite the gift to have them match you know.......

Love that smile!

Since it's been a while since I've blogged and I don't really have the time and all since I'm working this week. I thought I'd really quickly post some random shots from the park a few weeks ago. So please enjoy and I promise to post and update more soon. Oh, and we have a wedding to celebrate this Friday ~ Sandy and Brandon are getting married at the Queen Mary and we are really excited to see some of our family and help them celebrate. I hope I'll have lots of photos to post later from the wedding. Until then hope you enjoy!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Ella turned 5!

My little girl turned the BIG 5! How oh how can this be possible???

I love you sooooooooooooo much and am so proud of the little lady you are becoming.

Hugs and kisses ~ we love you more than all the stars in the sky ~ XOXOXOXOXO

Auntie Melissa Visit!

Auntie Melissa came and visited us. We had a great time hanging out and playing and visiting.

Here are some photos:
So pretty

Yes, I'm HOT - What can I say - life is good!
Hanging with the kids ~ a friend Madeline, Ella, & Preston with Auntie Melissa
Preston is a little more interested in his new Nerf gun from our really good friends Chad and Juliet. Chad you'll have to bring yours over for a match......
Auntie Melissa you'll have to come visit again soon. We had fun playing hide-n-seek and just hanging with you.

Preston is 3!

Let's see we celebrated Preston turning the BIG 3!

I can't believe my baby is THREE ~33333333333333333333333333333333333333333~

Where has the time gone??? Now I'm trying to teach him that he can't just tap girls bums and boobs. His Daddy thinks it's funny but me not so much. Especially when he's doing it to his teacher and I'm having to have these little "talks" with him.....

Boys! Where do they come up with these things....

I think it's from Daddy???? What do you think??? Nice tong Preston!

Mom, I really don't want to talk about this now...... I LOVE this little guy!

New Blog to Check Out

So it's been like FOR~EV~ER since I've blogged! Yes, I'm still around and feeling pretty good. Although, I'm recovering from pneumonia things are good.

Under Blogs you will notice that I've added a new blog. It's Jorge Garcia that many of you might know from the famous TV show called "LOST". I on the other hand was lucky enough to have grown up with Jorge. We went to school together and I hung out with him and his sister growing up.

Enjoy it!