Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Way Behind!

Here it is December 30Th and the New Year is just around the corner and I still have so much to post about..... Where does the time go. I'm making this short as I'm not feeling too well I think I have a little touch of the stomach flu. YUCK! I've only eaten saltine crackers today and am way tired......

So I'm not going to down load the camera (sorry Mom and Taryn). I'll try and get to that tomorrow.....*winks*.

I did promise a photo of the snow on the mountains behind the house though. So here is a photo that I snapped on my cell phone from the Target parking lot the other day since I forgot the camera **giggle**.

I did update the background on the blog per Miss Ella's request. Enjoy! **winks and giggles*

We had a GREAT Christmas and hope you all did too. Much love and as our kids Great Grandma Claire put it you only have 360 days until next time......ugh. Seriously it's fun and especially the stage the kids are at now.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Christmas Eve!

As I'm sitting here typing away I have many creations going on in the kitchen. Oh my gosh I don't think I've taken pictures.... I better go do that so I can show you all some of my creations....Cakes, cookies, Christmas scents, and the list goes on....

Tonight we celebrate Christmas with my family. I am part Norwegian and we celebrate on Christmas Eve. So it's off to the parents house to celebrate with: Mom, Dad, Sister Erin, Brother-in-Law Todd, Nephew Bryce, Niece Taryn, Jeremy, Ella, Preston, and myself. I'm sure it will be a late night with lots of yummy food, treats, laughter, and gifts.

I will try and take a photo of the tree but I'm warning you it's a beautiful tree but the decorations are not so much. It's been really hard keeping little man away from the tree. I thought this year we would be good but not so much. He keeps re-arranging them or throwing them behind the tree or who knows where. I did find a couple in the toy box.....Oh, well boys and 2 year old boys will be as they feel fit....***giggles*** I've really learned to pick and choose my battles when it comes to some of these things.....***he, he, ha, ha*** all you can do is laugh at times....

I better jam I hear the timer going off and I don't want to burn anything!

Merry Christmas to you all.

Monday, December 22, 2008


Today we would like to give a BIG "Happy Anniversary" shout out to April and Jay!


I'm not sure how many years today is but I couldn't let today go by without wishing them all the best. April and I have known each other our entire lives. How you say can that be possible.... Well her parents and my parents were really good friends and April's Mom Carolyn and my Mom Donna were pregnant with us at the same time. It just so happens that April was born February 1st and then 12 days later I was born on February 13Th.

We have been friends ever since and keep in touch where ever we are and no matter what's going on in our lives. I feel like I have another sister. That is an older sister....**giggles** Seriously though she is a very important person in my life and she married a very nice man named Jay. They now live in Utah and have three beautiful kids.

I wish we lived closer to each other and could celebrate your Anniversary or I'd watch the kiddos so you could go out and have a good time with the Hubby.

Happy Anniversary and enjoy it no matter what you do.

Love you

Saturday, December 20, 2008

Waiting to see Santa the big Ho, Ho!

Here are some photos of the kiddos waiting in line to see Santa or as he's called Ho, Ho.
Look at those smiles!

It helps to have your tong sticking out you know.....

Ella always has a beautiful smile. Mr. Man checking out the girls behind us.....doesn't he look like he's trying to play it cool! Just too stinkin cute! *giggle*

Mr. Man I know this will get the girls attention.....it did. **giggles**

So stinkin cute! Always a smile on her face.

Finally, we get to sit on Santa's lap and look at Preston with grump face..... Oh, well they are still just too cute! I LOVE them so much!

Friday, December 19, 2008


According to many it's been tooooo long since I've blogged sooo....

My computer guy whom I call my hubby has my computer working so within the next couple of days I promise to start to post some photo's. Until then I'll update you on some of my rambling thoughts of the weather this week....

Here in the Resort Country we have had some very, very, cold and interesting weather. It's been between 45 and 55 degrees during the day. Can you imagine when it was as high as 110 or so during the summer...*giggle*

We have had a LOT of rain this week. It's nice to have rain but not when it's an over kill and doesn't have a chance to soak in and help but rather destroy anything in it's path.

Wednesday we had rain like no other rain before. It NE~V~ER stopped the entire day. We woke around 6:00 am to rain and went to bed around 11:45 pm with rain. I even pulled out my rain boots (they are super cool too black with white polka dots on them)***giggles***

This cold and rain is so incredible we even have snow on the mountains behind the house. Yes SNOW! Can you believe it! **giggles** There has NE~V~ER been snow on these mountains before! I will try and take a photo tomorrow to post for you all to see.

It's a white Christmas here in the OC!!!

I better jam and I promise to post photo's soon since the ol computer is up now.

Hugs & Kisses
Hope all of Santa's little helpers are almost done!

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas madness & so much more...........

Christmas madness & so much more...........

Can you believe that Christmas is right around the corner.....I mean it's like the Turkey hasn't even digested in your tummy and the next thing you know it's basically Christmas!

I still have so many things to post about and now I'm in the mad dash thick of Christmas madness! My computer is down and the computer guy whom I call my hubby has been too busy to fix it. Isn't that the way it goes....I'm hoping it will get done sooner rather than later as I need to download photos and blog about them and get address' for Christmas cards and so much more....You don't realise how much you rely on your computer until it's not working....

We had a wonderful Thanksgiving! We celebrated at my sister's house this year. Just the main family (Mom, Dad, Erin, Todd, Bryce, Taryn, Jeremy, Me, Ella, Preston and Tom ~ Tom works with my brother-in-law Todd at Thurston Middle School in Laguna Beach) Not sure what Tom thought of the family we are quite the bunch when you get us all together.

My Mom, Erin, and I cooked while the guys were supposed to keep an eye on the kids but rather watched some football and relaxed. Us women were busy workers and drinking the wine! My Mom actually helped toss back a couple of glasses of wine with my sister and I. This here is a rarity as she's always said: I can't drink wine it makes me sick....but she's been getting out lately with Dad and exploring a little and drinking a few glasses of wine. Can you believe though not one single photo was taken! I had the camera and everything but in the end not a single one was clicked and saved to memory.... (I can hear my kids now years down the road giving me a hard time as to not taking photo's when they were younger...)giggle

I am lucky though I've gotten all of my shopping done. Yeah, that's right I'm feeling good about things....and it's even wrapped and under the tree.... Yes, we got our tree last weekend ( I have photo's and this brought back some childhood memories working the tree lots) and it's in the house but has no lights or decorations on it.... I'm hoping this will happen tonight.... **giggles**

But I'm still trying to get to see Santa the Big HO, HO man as he's called in the Wight family house hold. Then what am I going to do for cards and then I'm trying to make things as gifts, and the baking, and Oh, where does the time go...... I do LOVE Christmas though it's a jolly bright time of year.

I had to go get a prom dress if you will. The hubby's Christmas party is formal this year. The men need to wear tuxedos and so the ladies need to wear a fancy formal gown so basically I had to get a prom dress. Now this was a little of a freak out for me since I found out and had only 5 days to find a dress and all of the accessories to go with....talk about panic mode...*giggles* In the end everything worked out fine. I think I did a really good job at the last minute and to boot I found the dress in less than an hour and at the first place I look. Girls you know this NEVER happens. I even got the front parking spot next to the door and had 1 1/2 hours to shop before I had to pick up the kiddos from school. What luck! **giggles**

I better go and I promise photo's as soon as the ol' computer is up and running....